America’s Got Talent Season 17 Semi Final

MPLUSPLUS appeared in the semifinals of season 17 of NBC’s America’s Got Talent, having been selected from over 20,000 applicants. In addition to their LED ribbon, which received a standing ovation from the judges and the audience during their first performance, they showcased a newly developed LED VISION UMBRELLA and LED masks designed during the pandemic specifically for this show. The audience gave them a big round of applause, and they received the highest praise from judge Simon Cowell, who said, “Isn’t that a Vegas act?”

The performance team for the semifinals included representative Minoru Fujimoto, Yuji Shirasu and Kohei Ono (MPLUSPLUS STAGE), Matsuri, KoTa, NATSUKA and Tossi.(MPLUSPLUS DANCERS), Aimi, Izumi Aoki and yellow.BENA(Performer / team ECRiN), Yui, Ren, Takuya and SetoKen (Dancer / Choreographer), for a total of 14 members.

Although they did not make it to the finals through the live broadcast’s viewer voting limited to the United States, their appearance on the show has prompted MPLUSPLUS to pursue further overseas expansion.

NBC放送のAmericasʼs Got Talent(アメリカズ・ゴット・タレント)シーズン17で20000組以上の応募が集まった狭き⾨から55組に絞られたセミファイナルに出演した。
初戦のパフォーマンスで審査員や会場全員からスタンディングオベーションを得られたLEDリボンに加え、コロナ禍で開発したやLEDマスクとMPLUSPLUSがこのAmericasʼs Got Talentに向けて新たに開発したLED VISION UMBRELLAを披露した。

会場は⼤きな拍⼿に包まれ、審査員のサイモン⽒からは「“Isnʼt that a Vegas act?”(これはラスベガスのショーじゃないの?)」という最⼤限の評価を得ることができた。
セミファイナルのパフォーマンスメンバーは代表の藤本実に加え、⽩須祐次・⼩野耕平(MPLUSPLUS STAGE)、祭・KoTa・NATSUKA・Tossi.(MPLUSPLUS DANCERS)、AIMI・⻘⽊ 泉|Izumi Aoki・yellow.BENA(Performer / team ECRiN)、YUI・蓮・TAKUYA・SetoKen(Dancer / Choreographer)の計14名が参加した。

